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Our Standard

A.K.A. our greenwashing forcefield. 

When we consider adding a style to Brothers, our stand-ard stops greenwashing at the door. It’s a five point criteria for style, ethics and quality. If an item hits the mark, we bring it onboard and summarise what we've learnt in a footprint at the bottom of the product page. So, when you have a look round, you can find the clothes that meet your own ethical style standards.


1. Clear positive social or environmental impact 

This could be a t-shirt made in a wind-powered factory with a carbon footprint 90% lower than that of a conventional t-shirt, or underwear made by a small Fairtrade factory in southern India.

2. Transparent supply chain

Brands on Brothers We Stand share a full breakdown of their supply chain for every product sold on our platform. We manually check each supply chain meets our standard, and summarise key details in Product Footprints on every product page.

3. Workers rights upheld 

All brands on Brothers We Stand are required to share with us the practices they employ to ensure the following standards (based on the International Labour Organisation labour rights and ETI base code) are met:

- No use of child labour

- No use of forced labour

- Safe and healthy working conditions

- Legal labour contracts

- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

- No discrimination against employees

- No excessive hours of work

- Payment of legal minimum wage

* Brands are required to have clear systems for tier one suppliers and be taking steps, appropriate to the scale of the company, to ensure these standards are met by second and third tier suppliers.

4. Your needs satisfied 

We consider aesthetics, functionality and longevity to select items that will meet your needs. This makes good use of our planet's resources and supports you to slow down your consumption.

5. Commitment to development

Brands that sell on Brothers We Stand are committed to develop their social and environmental impact. They communicate areas for development with us and we share them with you in our Product Footprints.

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